Climate Change Services

Validate and verify your carbon credits with the expert scrutiny

We are independent experts in the validation and verification of a variety of projects under various GHG programs. Driven by our purpose, to safeguard life, property, and the environment, we assure our clients and their stakeholders with the project assessment with the highest level of integrity, compliance, and technical excellence. DNV has been one of the pioneers in providing such services to clients.

Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)

The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program is the world’s most widely used greenhouse gas (GHG) crediting program in the voluntary carbon market. It drives finance toward activities that reduce and remove emissions, improve livelihoods, and protect nature. VCS projects have reduced or removed nearly one billion tons of carbon and other GHG emissions from the atmosphere. The VCS Program is a critical and evolving component in the ongoing effort to protect our shared environment.

Global Carbon Council (GCC)

The Global Carbon Council (GCC) is a voluntary carbon offsetting program that aims to assist organizations to reduce their carbon footprints, helping the sectoral economy to diversify by adopting low-carbon pathways, and catalyzing climate actions on the ground.




With immense pleasure we would like to share with you that “DNV Business Assurance India Pvt. Ltd” has re-started the Climate Change Services i.e. Validation and Verification of GHG emission reduction projects. Currently, we have secured conditional approval from NABCB as well as Verra. DNV Business Assurance India Pvt. Ltd. shall be approved as VVB by both, NABCB and Verra, upon successful completion of our witness audit (which is already in progress). Both the entities have allowed DNV Business Assurance India Pvt Ltd to enter into contracts with the clients for validation and verification services.

Sectoral scopes covered under our accreditation are as follows:

  • Energy Industries (renewable/Non-renewable resources). Equivalent to VCS scope 1 – Energy (renewable/nonrenewable)
  • Energy distribution. Equivalent to VCS scope 2 – Energy distribution
  • Energy Demand. Equivalent to VCS scope 3 – Energy demand
  • Construction. Equivalent to VCS scope 6 – Construction
  • Transport. Equivalent to VCS scope 7 – Transport
  • Metal Production. Equivalent to VCS scope 9 – Metal production
  • Fugitive emissions from fuels (solid, Oil and Gas) - Equivalent to VCS scope10 – Fugitive emissions from fuel
  • Waste handling and disposal. Equivalent to VCS scope 13 - Waste handling and disposal and VCS scope 15 - Livestock and manure management
  • Afforestation and reforestation. Equivalent to VCS scope 14 - Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)
  • Agriculture. Equivalent to VCS scope 14 - Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)

Given this status, we would be happy to associate with your organization if there’s any opportunity related Validation and verification services under Verra scheme.

Pending Accreditations


Carbon Trading – CCR – Climate Change Response

Sectoral Scope

DNV has applied the accreditation for Validation and Verification for the below scopes:

1. Sectoral Scope 1: Energy Industries (renewable/Non-renewable resources)

  • TA 1.1 - Thermal energy generation
  • TA 1.2 - Energy generation from renewable sources

2. Sectoral Scope 2 (TA 2.1): Energy distribution

3. Sectoral Scope 3 (TA 3.1): Energy Demand

4. Sectoral Scope 6 (TA 6.1): Construction  

5. Sectoral Scope 7 (TA 7.1): Transport

6. Sectoral Scope 9: Metal Production

  • TA 9.2 - Iron Steel, and ferro alloy production

7. Sectoral Scope 10: Fugitive emissions from fuels (solid, Oil, and Gas)

  • TA 10.1 - Fugitive emissions from oil and gas

8. Sectoral Scope 13: Waste handling and disposal

  • TA 13.1 - Solid waste and waste water
  • TA 1.2 - Manure

9. Sectoral Scope 14 (TA 14.1): Afforestation and Reforestation

10. Sectoral Scope 15 (TA 15.1): Agriculture

11. Sectoral Scope 16: Carbon Capture of CO2 in geological formations


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