Regulatory Inspection Services PESO & IBR offered by DNV

Associating with DNV Business Assurance India Pvt. Ltd (DNV) for regulatory inspection (PESO & IBR) will help equipment manufacturer to comply, continually improve thereby meeting requirement of rule(s) and regulation(s) along with their customer’s expectation for safe and reliable product.

Regulatory Inspection Services:

Our inspection services are inline to what has been defined in ISO/IEC 17020, i.e., Inspection of components involves the examination of a product design, product, process, or installation and determination of its conformity with specific requirements or, based on professional judgment, with general requirements.

DNV is an approved Competent Person/Inspector under SMPV (U)-2016 Rules  by PESO ( Petroleum & Explosives Safety Organisation) and Inspecting Authority by IBR (Indian Boiler Regulations from Central Boiler Board). In both recognitions DNV is authorized to verify /appraise designs of the equipments before actual manufacturing.

DNV is accredited as Type-A Inspection Body by NABCB as per ISO/ IEC 17020: 2012 for Basic Metals (IAF 17), Fabricated Metal components(IAF 17b), Machinery(IAF 18) and Electrical equipments IAF(19) which includes equipment protections required in hazardous atmospheres as per IEC-60079 series of standard.

PESO & IBR are Indian regulators administered through Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India.

PESO, Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization is a nodal agency for regulating safety of hazardous substances such as explosives, compressed gas and petroleum.

PESO License ensures public safety in the areas of design, manufacture, transport, storage, handling, etc. of   hazardous materials like compressed gases for both cryogenic and non-cryogenic pressure vessels. DNV as an approved PESO Competent Person examines product design and performs inspection of pressure vessels, mobile tankers, storage bullets, heat exchangers, spheres etc.

IBR, Indian Boiler Regulations are a set of Indian standards that regulates the material, design, construction, inspection and testing & in-service of boilers and boiler components for compliance by the manufacturers and users of boilers in India.

Manufacturer of boilers, boiler piping, mountings, forgings, fitting accessories and valves for use in India must fulfill with the Indian Boiler Regulation 1950.  As per IBR no material, component and equipments can be placed or imported in Indian market unless it is accompanied by a certificate that confirms that all the IBR requirements are met. These certificates/forms has be endorsed by an Inspecting Authority designated by the Indian Government.

With respect above defined regulatory requirements DNV provide services related to design verification, raw material approvals, in process, final, predispatch inspections and expediting services help you meet overall project timelines and budgets.

Benefits of Inspection by DNV:

  • Knowledge on Standards / Regulations / Requirements.
  • Avoids re-testing/inspection.
  • Assurance on product / services.
  • Reliability and Integrity.
  • Facilitates selection of right suppliers.
  • Enhances competitiveness & marketing advantage.


Download the certificates for PESO and IBR

Download the certificates