Biodiversity Management and Disclosure Assurance

Global biodiversity reporting has taken the prominence for the launch of Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and the global biodiversity framework adoption with goal of 30% conservation of land and sea and 30% restoration of degraded ecosystems by 2030.

The Task Force on Finance-related Nature Disclosure (TNFD) was established in 2021 to develop recommendations to improve financial disclosure related to nature and biodiversity. The TNFD was created in response to the growing awareness of the impact of nature and biodiversity-related risks on businesses and financial markets. The TNFD aims to help companies disclose information on nature and biodiversity more comprehensively and consistently in their financial reports, in order to improve understanding of the risks and opportunities related to nature.
  • Financial institutions and companies need better information to understand the impact of nature on their financial performance and risks. 
  • Improved information will help them make better strategic planning, risk management, and asset allocation decisions. 
  • The TNFD aims to create a framework for organizations to report and address nature-related risks, with the goal of shifting global financial flows towards nature-positive outcomes.

TNFD requirements for companies:

Companies may need advisory and assurance services specifically related to nature-based reporting and TNFD. This could include: 

  • Assistance in identifying and assessing nature-related risks and opportunities, and developing strategies to manage them. 
  • Support in implementing TNFD's recommendations, including developing reporting frameworks and disclosure processes that accurately reflect the organization's nature-related risks and impacts.
  • Assistance in quantifying and valuing the organization's impact on nature, and developing metrics and indicators to measure progress towards nature-positive outcomes. 
  • Assurance services to provide independent verification of the organization's nature-related reporting and disclosure, including assurance on the reliability and accuracy of the information provided. 
  • Training and capacity-building services to help organizations develop the skills and knowledge needed to effectively implement nature-based reporting and TNFD's recommendations.

Leap Approach

Our Biodiversity Assurance Services:

  • Biodiversity impact assessment and reporting 
  • Verification of biodiversity-related disclosures 
  • Assurance of sustainability reports and disclosures (vertical specialization) 
  • Validation of biodiversity targets and indicators