DNV GL is part of GRI’s forward looking project “Reporting 2025” to promote an international discussion about the purpose of sustainability reporting and disclosures looking ahead to 2025.
In January 2015 the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) launched Reporting 2025, which aims at promoting an international discussion about the future of sustainability reporting. Over the course of the next year GRI will work with thought leaders around the world to identify the main issues that should be at the center of companies’ agendas and their public reports in the future.
A central part of the project is the GRI Corporate Leadership Group, where a set of companies that are leaders in their industries will contribute with their experience and expert opinions. DNV GL will join two of GRI’s working groups: Reporting 2025 – the overarching discussion on the future of sustainability and reporting, and Future of Integrated reporting, to understand how to leverage experience in sustainability reporting for the purpose of integrated reporting.
“We look forward to contribute with our global industry knowledge and corporate responsibility expertise in this project,” says Global Sustainability Manager in DNV GL – Business Assurance, Antonio Astone.
DNV GL has more than 16 years of experience from independently verifying companies’ sustainability reports.
“Businesses operate in an increasingly complex world and are facing a growing list of demands from stakeholders to demonstrate that they operate in a sustainable manner. Successfully communicating your performance to a wide range of audiences from investors, auditors and regulators to non-governmental organizations and the media can be challenging. A solid framework for reporting practices will be even more important in the future,” says Astone.
Astone notes that GRI’s initiative aligns well with DNV GL’s own development projects, such as the Future of Management Systems where stakeholders are invited to state their view on what management systems should cover in 2025.
“We are working on several areas to innovate, drive change and enable businesses to operate more sustainably in the future,” says Astone.
The conclusions from the work streams will be presented at GRI’s Global Conference in 2016.