Is your supply chain fit for the future?

Companies continue to face increasing demands to demonstrate that sustainability considerations are taken into account not only in directly controlled operations but across the entire value chain as well.

Some key findings

  • Over half of the respondents consider low environmental impact and workplace health and safety to be relevant aspects of a sustainable supply chain. 1 in 2 has already addressed health and safety of workers as well as  sustainability risks in order to improve sustainability in their own supply chain.
  • Sustainability matters to a great extent in buying decisions for 1 out of 3.
  • 86% of companies feel the pressure to manage their supply chain in a more sustainable way, with customers being the main driver. 
  • 81% have taken at least one action to improve their supply chain sustainability level.
  • The extent of actions across the supply chain is still weak, as only 7% of companies have reached out to all tiers of their supply chain.
  ViewPoint report

ViewPoint report

Is your supply chain fit for the future?



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