Responding to the pandemic impacting societies and the financial world, main international and national authorities and institutions have defining guidelines and established new physical rules to contain contamination.
Required to respond, organizations have activated crisis management plans and put in place complex systems and actions adapted to the COVID-19 situation. Measures adopted must comply with the local and national intervention actions and updated when required. Effective deployment is essential to protect the health of employees and family members as well as ensuring business continuity. Effectiveness hinges on how well actions are adapted to the specific situation, executed and adopted by the organization.
How can we help?
DNV’s Crisis Management Assessment Protocol assesses the mitigation measures adopted by the organizations to manage the threat and impact of contamination from COVID-19 on its business operations. The Protocol provides a maturity measure by identifying gaps, noteworthy efforts and improvements. The assessment is done according to our dedicated model’s 7 dimensions:
- Governance
- Strategy
- Communication
- Implementation
- Monitoring
- Data analysis
- Review
- The Organization’s context.
- The organizational structure prepared for the management of the crisis.
- Risk analysis and planned mitigation measures.
- Resources and actions adopted to mitigate the risks.
- Analysis of documents prepared by the organization (e.g. procedures, records, organizational arrangements, etc.)
- Interviews with the organization’s crisis management team(s).
- Interviews with staff working at the office, production plants and sites, warehouse, remotely, etc.
The independent evaluation provides insight allowing quick implementation of mitigating measures. Whether short-term actions or long-term process changes, it will safeguard your employees and business continuity. The results may be used to draw up a detailed action plan responding to the gaps identified.
DNV could provide the following additional services:
- Methodological support for defining the action plan.
- Follow-up assessment to determine the effectiveness of the action plan.
- Periodic assessments to assess the maintenance and update of the crisis management practices adopted to ensure continued compliance.