Process Management – process definition, process analysis and process improvement is the foundation of any organization for sustainable business growth. In this approach 5S is utilized as a tool for waste identification and process improvements. This course has been designed to give individuals the concept, approach, knowledge and understanding needed to implement productivity enhancement programme (PEP) at shop floor. This course has been designed with input and feedback internationally from several trainers, customers and learning consultants. The course design reflects a high level of interactivity between the trainer and the participants. It is built upon the participants input all throughout the course. The methodology includes Lectures, Group Work, Case Studies and Discussions.
Who should attend ?
This course is for executives from production, quality, change management, member of SGA (small group activity), Kaizen implementer, TPM team members and process owners. Participants with some exposure on workplace management are desirable but not mandatory.
Learning Advantages
Cultural Change: Benchmarking allows organizations to set realistic, rigorous new performance targets, and this process helps convince people of the credibility of these targets. It helps people to understand that there are other organizations who know and do job better than their own organization. Performance Improvement: Benchmarking allows the organization to define specific gaps in performance and to select the processes to improve. These gaps provide objectives and action plans for improvement at all levels of organization and promote improved performance for individual and group participants. Human Resources: Benchmarking provides basis for training. Employees begin to see gap between what they are doing and what best-in-class are doing. Closing the gap points out the need of personnel to be trained to learn techniques of problem solving and process improvement.
Course highlights
- Fundamental, Concept and approach to process management and 5S
- Process management – identification, analysis and
- performance improvement.
- Overview of 5S – Organization (SEIRI), Orderliness (SIETON), Cleanliness (SEISO), Standardized Cleanup (SEIKETSU) and Discipline (SHITSUKE) Implementation roadmap for PEPS Assessment of workplace management
Registration & additional information
To register online Click Here
Please contact your nearest DNVGL Office for further information.