DNV GL Certified Introduction Training to Water Foot Printing

Water use and management is a key consideration for any organization considering growing demand for resources and increasing water scarcity. Water management is required at local, regional and global levels – and this also requires a consistent assessment technique. ISO 14046 is the new standard for water foot printing that will provide this consistency and give water footprint results credibility. This is the international standard that will specify the principles, requirements and guidelines of assessing and reporting water footprints. This will apply to products, processes and organizations based on life cycle assessments. ISO 14046 will provide requirements and guidance for calculating and reporting a water footprint as a standalone assessment – or as part of a wider environmental assessment. 

Who should attend ? 

This course is valuable for everyone involved in water and environmental resources management. 

Learning objectives

  • Obtaining knowledge and understanding of ISO 14046.
  • Exploring the latest innovations in water footprint
  • Calculating the water footprint
  • Measuring and reducing water Footprint
  • Identify ways to reduce the environmental impacts of your water use.
  • Meet customer expectations of increased environmental responsibility
Course Highlights
  • Why & what is Water Management 
  • Introduction to ISO 14046
  • Water Foot printing measurement & reduction techniques

Registration & additional information

To register online Click Here

Please contact your nearest DNVGL Office for further information.