DNV GL Approved Training on Enterprise Risk Management

To truly manage risk, the human element- people is the key. In DNV GL training, we focus on people's competence while empowering them to change & improve. Our training services are built around knowledge, motivation and inspiration, to make sure the DNV training experience creates true impact. We aim to support changes prevalent in today's business, helping you build organisations that continuously deliver value and results whilst managing the risk in hand.

Who should attend ?

Auditors beginning the enterprise risk management process and seeking an understanding of the new COSO ERM Framework

Enterprise risk management implementation team leaders and members

Internal audit executives, members, and senior staff members with a responsibility for, or an interest in, enterprise risk management

Executives and managers from organizations that are contemplating enterprise risk management implementation

Learning Objectives

  • Introduction to Risk Management
  • Risk Management process steps
  • Risk Management implementation
  • Complementary risk management techniques
  • Summary and evaluation
  • Practical exercises throughout the course.

Course highlights

Linking strategy with Business Process, Process Management Overview, Risk assessment & Development of Control Measures & effectiveness review. 

Registration & additional information

To register online Click Here

Please contact your nearest DNVGL Office for further information.